PRIME PANEL at the Scottish AI Summit April 2023
In April 2023, PRIME PI Professor Gina Netto (Heriot Watt University (HWU) chaired a panel which combined inputs from research team members Dr. Aunam Quyoum (University of Glasgow), Professor Lynne Baillie (HWU) and community organisation partners Colin Lee (Chief Executive, CEMVO Scotland) and Charles Kwaku-Odoi (Chief Officer, Caribbean & African Health Network (CAHN)) at the Scottish AI Summit. The Summit, held in Glasgow at the University of Strathclyde, brought together key notes and inputs from experts in Scotland’s AI community to facilitate conversations with diverse stakeholders.
PRIME Presents at the Digital Inclusion Policy and Research Conference 2023
Dr Sara Bailey | September 2023
In September 2023, PRIME project team members Dr Sara Bailey, Professor Agnes Kukulska-Hulme and Dr Elizabeth FitzGerald presented some of the PRIME project’s key findings at the University of Liverpool-hosted Digital Inclusion Policy and Research Conference (DIPRC 2023). The presentation took a deep dive into the experiences of older Asian and Asian British-identifying adults of using digital healthcare, housing and energy services. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS), Asian and Asian-British individuals over the age of 55 are significantly less likely to use the internet than White individuals in the same age category. This particular demographic group is, therefore, at risk of being disproportionately negatively affected by the digitalisation of essential services.
PRIME Participates in ‘End Digital Poverty Day’ 2023
Dr Sara Bailey | September 2023
End Digital Poverty Day, a nationwide initiative dedicated to raising awareness about the pressing issue of digital poverty in the UK, takes place annually on 12 September. This year, the PRIME team participated in End Digital Poverty Day by publishing some of the project’s key findings in a blog post for the Digital Poverty Alliance.
Next Steps: PRIME survey
Dr Aunam Quyoum | 9 March 2023
A survey has been designed, piloted and translated into several community languages and is ready for launch later in March 2023. The survey is expected to hear from 1000 people who identify as a minoritised ethnic individual living in England and Scotland.
PRIME Interviews Completed!
Dr Aunam Quyoum | 1 March 2023
The PRIME team has gained detailed insight into the various challenges minioritised ethnic citizens are facing when trying to access digital health, energy and housing services. The task to conduct 100 interviews with individuals across England and Scotland, was made possible by working in collaboration with our community organisation partners.
PRIME Multi-disciplinary Pesentations at REPHRAIN’s ‘All Hands Meeting’ in Edinburgh
Dr Sara Bailey | 18 July 2024
Now that the hard work of data collection and data analysis is drawing to a close, the project team was delighted to have the opportunity to bring together researchers from both the social and computer sciences to provide a cross-disciplinary overview of our key findings to partners and stakeholders at the May 2024 ‘All Hands Meeting’ which was convened by REPHRAIN.