Community Partners
The PRIME project is guided by a Community-Based Participatory Research framework, underpinned by the principles of equity, empowerment, agency, inclusion and knowledge-production. As such, PRIME is working closely with a diversity of community-based organisations that work with minoritised ethnic populations throughout the UK.
We have four key community organisation partners who have been involved in the PRIME project since its inception:
BEAP Community Partnership (BEAP): BEAP provides services directly and through its partner organisations through which it aims to tackle entrenched deprivation and disadvantage in the Bradford area, particularly among the Bangladeshi community, supporting deprived communities to formulate and put into practice their own agendas for positive social change.
The Caribbean and African Health Network (CAHN): Based in Manchester, CAHN is a Black-led organisation which was set up to tackle the social determinants of ill-health among Caribbean and African communities in the UK. CAHN works with Black communities and cross-sectoral organisations throughout the UK to build community resilience, relationships and a social movement to improve health outcomes for Black people.
CEMVO Scotland: CEMVO is a national intermediary organisation and strategic partner of the Scottish Government’s Equality Unit. Based in Glasgow, CEMVO aims to build the capacity and sustainability of Scotland’s ethnic minority voluntary sector and the communities the voluntary sector works with.
The East London Mosque (ELM) & London Muslim Centre (LMC): The ELM & LMC is an active Islamic institution based in the borough of Tower Hamlets in London. In addition to daily prayers, the ELM & LMC delivers advice and counselling, child and adult education, and health awareness programmes to the local community.